About the Games

On our team we have two sets of games that we participate in. This includes FIRST robotics and VEX robotics. We have students who manage both teams so that everyone has a chance to get a hands on experience. Below you can find more information.


FIRST Robotics Competition has teams building robots that participate in yearly games. Games taking place in the spring where we have build season, around 9 weeks to build a robot, and then 6 weeks of competing. However FIRST goes deeper than that. They define it as, “The hardest fun you’ll ever have” they teach high school students around the world about first hand engineering so that they can bring that into their knowledge and future to ultimately better the world. If you would like to find more information you can go to their website. FIRST Robotics


VEX robotics has games every year, students are supplied the parts and tasked to build a robot that can accomplish something. They are trying to build a better community for the sake of the engineering future so students can create a better world as a whole. You can find more about VEX at their website. VEX Robotics